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This year, the Parisian Jumping Stilt Contest will unfortunately not be held. This should not be of concern because, thanks to the motivation of several French clubs, the Hoff Riser team has been designated to organise a replacement meeting. We decided to revive the idea of a contest rather than a club meeting, and that's why YOU are here...


The "French Powerbocking Contest II" will be hosted by HOFF RISER on September 25th and 26th, 2010 ... the idea being that each year one of the French clubs will host this event so that bockers from everywhere can discover a new city, meet new and old friends, and have the most amazing time, all for a price that should not require you to rob the piggy bank!


It doesn't matter how long you have been bocking, what your skill level is, which brand of stilts you are wearing, or which country you come from. YOU are welcome to join us so that you can relive the magic we all experienced last year. If it's your first large meeting, we can guarantee it certainly won't be your last!


We have gone out of our way to prepare new competitions for beginners, and of course we retained the old favourites such as sprint races, high jumping, freestyle... and we've added some new ones, for example, "maximum rotation".


Just in case it rains (which it never does), we have booked the use of a gymnasium. And because it isn't going to rain (think positive), the athletics stadium awaits you. Several accomodation options are available (camping, hotels, shared rooms in a holiday centre). And just to add a smile to the faces of everyone that appreciates good eating, this same weekend the town will host a gourmet French cuisine event that is expected to draw in excess of 12,000 people ! 






Cette année le Contest parisien d'Echasses Urbaines, n'aura malheureusement pas lieu.... à la demande de quelques clubs, la team HOFF RISER a été mandaté pour organiser un nouveau rassemblement.


Nous avons décidé de reprendre l'idée d'un Contest et non d'un rassemblement de club.


Les 25 et 26 septembre 2010 aura donc lieu le "French Powerbocking Contest II by Hoff Riser... L'idée étant que chaque année un club de France prenne la relève et organise cet évènement.


Tous les clubs, tous les échassiers débutants ou confirmés, toutes les marques d'échasses, de France et du monde sont donc conviés et attendus...

Nous vous invitons à vivre votre premier rassemblement ou à retrouver la magie des rassemblements passés...


Particularité, nous allons tout mettre en oeuvre pour que les débutants puissent aussi participer et non juste regarder. Il y aura donc des épreuves habituelles mais aussi de nouvelles épreuves...


Dés à présent un gymnase est réservé,une piste d'athlétisme, plusieurs hébergements, un espace pour le camping... et ce weekend s'inscrira dans un évènement gastronomique de cuisine française où sont attendus plus de 12 000 personnes.


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